Designed by the renowned Italian designer Pininfarina, and developed in collaboration with Pénélope Leprevost, the SOFT’UP CLASSIC is specifically designed for riders seeking a straight leg position and those wearing up to EU size 44. With its innovative single-branch design, it offers the perfect balance of safety, comfort, and performance.
The single-branch technology of the SOFT’UP CLASSIC reduces the effort exerted on each stirrup by a factor of three, thereby reducing pressure on the rider's joints and relieving the horse's back. This advanced design not only enhances comfort but also overall durability and performance.
The outer branch of the stirrup is made of Elastollan®, a flexible material that deforms and allows the branch to open to facilitate foot release in case of a fall.
The eye of the SOFT’UP CLASSIC is parallel to the floor, promoting inward toe orientation. This orientation perfectly matches the female pelvis anatomy for unmatched comfort. The FREEJUMP stirrup leathers with wider loops (CLASSIC WIDE and 4X6) are adapted to the increased width of the SOFT’UP CLASSIC eye for more stability and comfort in contact with the leg. The SOFT’UP CLASSIC stirrups remain compatible with all types of stirrup leathers.
The forward offset center of gravity tilts the floor backward, allowing a natural foot inclination and promoting heel drop.