Printable Gambler's Choice Course
- You will have 50 seconds to ride your course. Make up your own course and be creative with your strategy!
- All jumps may be jumped from either direction.
- You may jump each jump twice.
- For each jump completed, you will receive the points assigned to that jump.
- No points are awarded for a fence if rails are knocked down.
- If you knock rails down, you may NOT jump that jump again.
- Refusals are not penalized (they just waste time).
- You must cross the time line at the beginning AND the end of your round. Ties will be awarded to the fastest one to reach the time line after the 50 second whistle is blown.
- o The Joker fence is OPTIONAL. It may ONLY be jumped after your round is complete. WAIT for the whistle to be blown again.
- o You will have 20 seconds to complete the Joker fence, and you may only jump it once.
- o You win 200 points if you jump it successfully, but you LOSE 200 points if you knock rails down or fail to jump it within the 20 seconds allowed.
BE SAFE. Reckless riding will get you disqualified!