The Infused Equestrian has invested time and research in developing custom, handcrafted blends to help the equestrian, horse and barn.
shiny. A Mane & Tail Conditioner is an intensive conditioning treatment that supports healthy hair growth. Simply spray it on the mane & tail and comb through for an exquisite shine. BONUS: This awesome conditioner can also be used as a body shine. Just spray on the horse's body and wipe down. shiny. A Mane & Tail Conditioner is engineered to lift dirt for easy removal.
Ditch the toxins and choose a healthy alternative for your horse. Shiny. a Mane & Tail Conditioner nourishes the mane and tail and is easy to apply. Made with 100% pure therapeutic essential oils. Contains: MCT Coconut Oil, Melaluca, Melaluca Quinquenervia, Rosemary, Cedarwood and Clove.